Squarespace vs WordPress - Which is the better platform for building a website

October 22, 2021

As a website owner or developer, you have probably asked yourself which platform is better for building a website: Squarespace or WordPress? Both are popular website builders, but they have some significant differences. In this blog post, we will compare Squarespace vs WordPress, examining the pros and cons of each platform to help you make an informed decision.

Squarespace Overview

Squarespace is a website builder that aims to simplify the website building process for non-technical users. It is a fully hosted platform, meaning that you don't need to worry about installing any software or managing your website's backend. Squarespace offers a drag-and-drop user interface, a range of designer templates, built-in analytics, and domain name registration.

One of the biggest selling points of Squarespace is its ease of use. The platform's user-friendly interface and intuitive layout make it easy to create a professional-looking website without any technical knowledge. Additionally, Squarespace is optimized for mobile devices and offers responsive design templates, meaning that your website will look great on any screen size.

However, Squarespace also has some limitations that may not make it the best choice for all types of websites. For example, Squarespace has fewer third-party integrations compared to other platforms, and you cannot customize your website's backend code. Moreover, Squarespace has a limited number of eCommerce features, which may not be suitable for businesses with more complex eCommerce needs.

WordPress Overview

WordPress is a popular open-source platform that has been around for more than 15 years. It is the most popular content management system (CMS) on the internet, powering over 40% of all websites. WordPress is a self-hosted platform, meaning that you will need to purchase web hosting and set up your website's backend yourself.

One of the biggest advantages of WordPress is its flexibility. WordPress is highly customizable, and you can use a vast range of themes and plugins to add functionality and design elements to your website. Additionally, WordPress has a large community of developers who create third-party integrations, meaning that you can easily integrate your website with other tools and services.

However, with great flexibility comes a steep learning curve. While WordPress is user-friendly, it can be overwhelming for non-technical users. Additionally, WordPress requires regular updates, backups, and security checks, which can be time-consuming.

Squarespace vs WordPress Comparison

  • Ease of use: Squarespace wins in this category as it has a user-friendly interface and requires no technical knowledge or experience to build a website. WordPress can be more difficult to use initially, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes easier.

  • Flexibility and customization: WordPress wins in this category as it offers a high degree of flexibility and customization. While Squarespace has many templates to choose from, you cannot customize the backend code or integrate as many third-party tools as you can with WordPress.

  • eCommerce features: WordPress wins in this category as it offers a range of eCommerce plugins such as WooCommerce, which provide many features suitable for small-to-medium eCommerce websites. Squarespace has limited eCommerce features and is not as suitable for more complex eCommerce websites.

  • Cost: Squarespace and WordPress have different pricing structures. Squarespace offers a range of pricing plans that are all-inclusive, meaning you don't need to purchase web hosting or plugins separately. WordPress is open-source, but you need to purchase web hosting, themes, and plugins separately, which can add up. Overall, Squarespace may be a more cost-effective option for small sites, while WordPress may be more cost-effective for larger sites.


In conclusion, both Squarespace and WordPress are excellent platforms for building a website, and choosing between the two depends on your needs and preferences. Squarespace is a great option for non-technical users who want an easy-to-use platform that requires little maintenance. WordPress, on the other hand, is a highly flexible and customizable platform that is suited for more complex websites with a large degree of customization.

Ultimately, you should weigh the pros and cons of each platform and consider your website's specific needs before making a decision.


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